Increase your service business with
a listing in our home repair directory.
The companies we accept in our listing:
Major and small appliance, heating and air conditioning, plumbing, vent cleaning companies and more.
Receive a deluxe web page in your area of service.
We only allow one listing per service area so you have no competition.

What we offer:

1. Receive a customized web page that we build or use one you already have describing your company. We will even host your page with your own directory on our site. We will even put a page hit counter on you page so you can see the hits your getting. SEE AN EXAMPLE OF ONE OF THE CUSTOM REPAIR LISTINGS.

2. Receive a contact form so a customer can contact you online about a service call and can even schedule a call online. You would receive the form results sent directly sent to you at any email address you  have. We can even give you an email address if you need.

3. Generate business by offering the customer a special repair discount for finding you on the web.

4. We will submit your site to over 3600 search engines and directories for a premium listing. This service alone would cost over $200.

5. When people call our phone center that is open 7am - 12 am EST, 7 days a week, wanting home repair in your area, our phone reps will recommend your company and even give them your phone number. We receive over 1000 calls a month about people wanting to find a service company.

6. Our site receives over 50,000 hits a month exposing your repair company.

Repair companies are only accepted, you cannot sell parts.
You must provide quality dependable service and be locally licensed.
Must offer the customer a discount of some kind for finding you on the web.
The custom page we build will have a small banner about our part company.
Each Additional Year Only $150 !
Your website could be up and running in 3 - 7 days!





Hit Counter